
Monoliths vs micro-services, here we go again -

Apple Makes More Fintech Moves With High-Yield Savings Account From Goldman Sachs - Very detailed overview of “Bank of Apple."

VMware strives to become the multi-cloud leader - Overview of VMware’s current strategy, etc. from the VMware analyst day.

Introducing Kubecost Cloud: Now in Open Beta! - - FinOps!

IBM looks to turn nearly 8,000 jobs over to artificial intelligence, CEO says - ’“I could easily see 30% of that getting replaced by AI and automation over a five-year period,” Krishna told Bloomberg News, referring to “back-office” positions such as in human resources.’"

KubeCon Europe 2023 highlights Kubernetes explosion and need for instant platform engineering, CNCF - “10,000 attendees, 58% of whom were new to the conference, with another 2,000 people on the waitlist” And: “Surveys show that Kubernetes complexity, security, and a skills gap are the top challenges organizations face in adopting Kubernetes… Managing configuration complexity at a global platform scale, Painful Kubernetes upgrades, Multi-cluster management”

Setting the Record Straight on Cloud Computing ROI - Ability to add new features(quickly), access to new tech, scaling and performance, toil reduction to focus on things valuable to the business or competitive advantage, better security. Of course reducing costs (or “efficiency” if you’re forced to feel the “do more with the same/less” vibe) is one, but that’s not the point of the article.

Why Are You Doing This? (Wrong Answers Only) - Some of these are mostly (only?) for companies focused on profitless-growth and raising their valuation (startups and recently IPO’ed tech companies). If you’re at a company focused on cashflow and more long term share price, many of them are what you should be doing. In the first mode, you’re looking to build up “story” and visions of future valuation, and the cash out before things level out. In the second mode, you (the individual from IC to CEO) are looking to maximize your take with as much job security and steady raise in comp. as possible. And, sure: many of these are bad no matter which mode you’re in.

Use Forrester’s insights to calm depositors and prevent a bank run - Europeans are trusting their banks a lot more than Americans: ‘Among US online consumers, 40% agreed with the statement, “Recent problems with banks have made me more concerned that my bank will not be there for me when I need it.” French online consumers had similar sentiments: 38% of them agreed. But only 28% of UK online consumers felt the same.’ And: ‘Nearly 40% of each of the three groups we surveyed agreed with the statement that “Larger banks are inherently safer than smaller/regional banks.'

The Definition Of “More From Less” In B2B Content Strategy And Operations - The best tip here to focus a lot on recycling what you have already. I agree: there’s always a lot of assets and not near enough promotion and reuse/remixing of them. // “When asked about their perception of the content that they receive from vendors who market to them, 61% of business buyers say that vendors give them too much content, and 63% say that what they get is more focused on style than substance. And here’s the kicker: 69% — close to three-quarters — say that if the content from vendors that they currently do business with isn’t valuable or helpful, they’re not likely to expand contracts. On top of this, businesses know that they’re pumping out content that doesn’t meet the mark: 61% say that one-quarter to three-quarters of their content goes to waste — that it isn’t used as intended.",, @cote,,