
The Unbelievable Scale of AI’s Pirated-Books Problem - Well, at least we know the robots have great taste, having been built with “multiple works by Joan Didion translated into several languages.” // “The White Album” is one of the great essays. Even her packing list is one of the top five lit-sticals ever. // Also, I mean, yeah, too bad the AI magic relies copyright violation.

Actual LLM agents are coming -

OWASP Dishes Out Key Ingredients for a Secure Agentic AI Future -

The Product Engineer - “If you build Enterprise Software, you need product managers.” // If consumer, you need developers who use the product.

A Conversation Algorithm I Cribbed From Clinical Psychologists - What does “open ended question” even mean? Here’s some examples, and a conversational framework built around it. This also probably good for sales and marketing.

The good times in tech are over - ”If you were an engineer who loved working on your company’s open-source libraries, it’s probably sensible to confront the fact that the company never really cared about it that much.”

Refactoring to understand and “vibe coding” - ”Code is not the most valuable artifact. Your understanding of the codebase is.”

3 prompts for better knowledge worker docs -

Ironies of Agentic AI - “[R]ather than removing human dependencies, automation often shifts and amplifies them.”

Agentic AI Is The Next Competitive Frontier - “CEOs must architect the autonomous enterprise.” // Changing culture, org structure, and how work is done day-to-day. That’s a big ask. It rarely works.,, @cote,,