

“Significant improvement but still issues.”

Not much today.

Found at the ITQ offices.


Relative to your interests


I’ve been re-learning Spring with Dan Vega’s Spring Boot crash course. It’s great, and encouraging. So much has changed since 2005, but the thrill of learning and doing little iterations is fun. After this, there’s his Spring AI course. I hope to get skilled enough to make some D&D AI tools/MCP servers, whatever.

Once I can get over the (to this older Java coder) rails-like feel of Java and Spring (where there’s so much going on in the background hat it gets confusing to know what to do - it’s so simple, I have no idea where to start), it’s pretty quick and interesting.

Also, since the effects and outcomes of Spring (along with Tanzu Platform/Cloud Foundry) are what I talk about at work all the time, it’ll be good to have more first hand experience than the “reporting” I do on it.,, @cote,,