

Private Cloud at VMware Explore - Notebook

Normally I wouldn’t disclaim this since I think you, dear readers, are wise enough to know that it always applies, but: these views are my own, not my employer, VMware Tanzu by Broadcom. Also, we covered the below on this week’s Software Defined Talk. If you prefer to listen a podcast, it’ll be out on Friday morning, 7:30am Amsterdam time: subscribe!

Private Cloud

Yesterday at my work’s big conference, Explore, there was a lot of conversation about private cloud. It’s pretty straightforward and clear: VMware is your enterprise private cloud platform. From Hock Tan, Broadcom CEO:

“Public Cloud is much more expensive, more so than you ever expected. Complexity – another platform means another extra layer for you to manage. And compliance; you have regulatory policy requirements. It’s more complex, it’s more expensive and compliance is hard,” Tan told attendees. He said many CIOs are now moving their workloads back on-premises to deal with these three Cs, which represents a huge change, but also a huge opportunity. “Here’s my view,” Hock said. “The future of the enterprise is private. Private cloud, private AI fueled by your own private data. It’s about staying on-premises and in control. Of course, you’ll continue using the public cloud for elastic demand and bursting workloads, but in this hybrid world, the private cloud is now the platform to drive your business and your innovation, and we have work to do to make that happen.”

In round-table commentary, analyst Dave Vellante adds in the “AWS of the private cloud” angle. Commenting on the analyst day discussion with Hock Tan, Dave says:

I mean, he said in the keynote today, you basically get AWS on-prem. In the analyst briefing he said, okay we’re gonna to take 30, the top 30 services in the in AWS and we’re going to replicate those. We’re not going to do 300. But we’re going to basically create a substantially equivalent on-prem experience to the public cloud. And that’s their entire strategy. And you know I think if to the extent that they do invest in that road map people are going to stay with it why would you rip and replace VMware all?

Figuring out how many workloads are in private cloud versus public cloud is one of my ongoing side-projects. It’s not as easy as you’d think! Estimates are all over the map. 50/50 is probably a good estimate based on analysts, surveys, and other estimates I’ve seen in recent years. If you like something lower, Daniel Newman of The Six Five/Futurum estimates that only about 20% to 30% of workloads ever migrated to public cloud in the first place.

It’s also hard to find numbers around how many workloads are moving back to on-premises from public cloud, “repatriation” they call it. VMware sponsored an IDC white paper that pulls from IDC cloud surveys, saying this:

Two-fifths of respondents to IDC’s recent U.S. Cloud Migration Survey indicated that they performed or initiated repatriation of workloads from public cloud to dedicated environments in 2023, and 42% said they plan to repatriate some workloads in 2024. Security, data privacy, cost management, and performance are the top reasons companies engage in repatriation activities.”

IDC ROI PDF sponsored by VMware, August, 2024.

Here’s a similar data point from Forrester in 2023:

According to Forrester’s Infrastructure Cloud Survey in 2023, 79% of roughly 1,300 enterprise cloud decision-makers surveyed said their firms are implementing internal private clouds.

Here’s a very DevOps-y idea discussed in another Explore interview: most enterprise IT departments are run very inefficiently, “culture” and organization wise. There are silos for everything, and they are “best of breed,” which actually means the downside of locally optimized: different groups use different tools, you have lots of wait between handoffs, turf wars - all of the things people don’t like about large bureaucracy. The suggestion being that if they focused on organizing better, and consolidation, they’d get the gains that public cloud gives them. After all, that bureaucracy optimization is a side-effect of using public cloud: you no longer have such a large, bespoke IT department. You just have one of the public clouds and how they do things, take it or leave it.

Tanzu Platform 10 - Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes In One Runtime

I work in the Tanzu division, so I’m interested in what’s going on there. Here’s the big wrap-up post of everything.

Here’s my take on Tanzu.

Our main thing is this: the Tanzu Platform is an enterprise-grade PaaS. The primary focus is on private PaaSes (see above!). This can mean running on-premises, or running it in the public cloud with control over your own, single-tenant PaaS in public cloud.

People don't really say "PaaS" anymore, which I think is weird. They say "platform," so I'll use that word here.

The Tanzu Platform1 is composed of two approaches to building a platform:

  1. Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry2 - a platform with a completely pre-built, turn key PaaS. This is Cloud Foundry, used by many large enterprises, supporting thousands of applications. In this case, you don't build the platform, but you can customize it here and there and add in services (“middleware”) that you need. You trade the ability for infinite customization for stability, consistency, and saving time on building and maintaining your own platform. You get those bureaucracy-busting benefits of going to public cloud.

  2. Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes - a framework for building a PaaS on-top of Kubernetes. Added to this are tools for managing the apps running on these runtimes. Also, developers and platform engineers have the consoles needed to manage those apps. In this case, we provide defaults and templates (“opinions” to use PaaS-parlance) but you focus on building the platform to match exactly what you want, and can do so. We layer more usable yaml on-top of Kubernetes yaml, and have a good GUI as well. You can get a sense of what this all is by poking around at our docs on the Tanzu Application Engine.

  3. There are data services built into Tanzu Platform as well: Postgres, MySQL, Redis/Valkey, Rabbit, Greenplumb (data warehouse), GemFire (in-memory data grid

  4. And, the Tanzu Platform has very tight integration with Spring. Most enterprise applications are written in Java, and many of those use Spring. This means that Tanzu Platform is a great fit for most enterprise applications.

  5. And, you know, all the runtime, management, consoles, integrations with infrastructure, etc. stuff you’d expect for a cloud platform.

When you spell it out it seems like a lot, but that’s sort of it. There’s of course a lot of details with such a wide scope. But, you can really simplify it as: the Tanzu Platform is a PaaS that will run Cloud Foundry or Kubernetes. The rest is just details in the yaml.

Here’s more from an interview with the GM of Tanzu, Purnima Padmanabhan:

The first part of Tanzu 10 is: we are bringing the reinvestment and the power of Cloud Foundry back to the Tanzu Platform. And Tanzu 10 brings in a single umbrella the choice of application runtimes. So you can build your application once and deploy either to a Cloud Foundry based application infrastructure, or application platform, or a Kubernetes either one, all within a single platform.


The return of the Cloud Foundry philosophy and principles:

[There are ] three main messages. [Number One] Keep it very simple for the developer. Never expose yaml files, configuration files, kubectl, and lower level configs, BOSH, none of that. Just give them simple interfaces, say build my container and deploy, that’s it.

Number two, make sure that the deployment is dynamic and it automatically adjusts to the app needs. You just say, I want HA. You don’t have to tell me which cluster, how to connect the network, how to tie it all together, we will take care of it.

And then the third one is, you want to do continuous update, repair and continue security.

All these are actually pages from the Cloud Foundry world that now we are bringing to Tanzu platform as a universal tenant that applies across everything, whether you deploy in Cloud Foundry or on Kubernetes. (~11:00)

There’s something important to notice/know about “Tanzu Kubernetes”:

The core Kubernetes runtime is now baked into VCF, which is called the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, it is made available with VCF, just like public clouds have their runtimes: EKS, GKS, AKS. Tanzu Platform layers on-top of that TKG runtime and gives you the application platform, the ability to build your application fast, the ability to deploy it with a single command, the ability scale it, the ability to secure it.” (~1:50)

This is something that’s still not widely understood: while VMware’s Kubernetes “distort” is still called “Tanzu,” it’s actually part of VCF. The Tanzu Platform requires an existing Kubernetes “dial-tone.” That is, you have to bring the Kubernetes. Of course, per what Purnima says, if you have VCF, you have Kubernetes. This is a minor distinction in the big picture, and maybe, actually, not really important to customers. But it’s worth keeping track of if you, you know, are into these kinds of industry details.



Talks I’m giving, places I’ll be, and other plans.

This year, SpringOne is free to attend and watch online. Check out Josh’s pitch for the event. There’s an on-site conference as well at Explore if you’re interested. But, for those who can’t, now you can watch all the fun!

SpringOne/VMware Explore US, August 26–29. DevOpsDays Antwerp, 15th anniversary, speaking, September 4th-5th. SREday London 2024, speaking, September 19th to 20th. SREday Amsterdam, Nov 21st, 2024. Coté speaking. Cloud Foundry Day EU, Karlsruhe, Oct 9th. VMware Explore Barcelona, speaking, Nov 4th to 7th.

Discounts! SREDay London and Amsterdam: 20% off with the code SRE20DAY. Cloud Foundry Day 20% off with the code CFEU24VMW20.


That should be it for my Explore coverage. There’s a lot of better coverage out there. I’ll be back with links and fun finds next time.


You’re supposed to just drop the “The,” as in “Tanzu Platform is super cool.” I can see that that’s, like, grammatically correct or something (you don’t say “The Red Hat Enterprise Linux”). But, I don’t like it. Pardon me if I slip in and out of the’ing.


As an old Pivotal person, I would like to point out that you can call it TPCF. You could even just say tPCF. And if you were really being off-brand, you could say “you, know, the ‘T’ is silent.”,, @cote,,