

Publishing an annual survey is a great marketing tool, even better for thought-leadership

Using Surveys for Marketing


  • They dress like they’re Chaotic Good, but they’re totally Lawful Good under all that sloppy couture.

  • This is some buck-wild ABM: a direct appeal to Delta to buy their AI stuff.

  • “I wrote this one when my family was in Hawaii, too. I kind of had a meltdown there, to be honest.” Blue Cheese.

  • If you were to watch Furosia and Fury Road back-to-back, as one movie, it might just be the best action movie ever made. You’d need two intermissions, though, not between the two movies, but right before each major action sequence.

  • Why Not Give Robots Foot-Eyes? Here.

  • “How are you today?” “Legally prohibited from complaining due to a non-disparagement clause, you?” Via.

  • “The problem is the darker side of the word, when we use it to express ‘merely.’” Here.

  • “nothing fun happens on a Monday night.” Here.

  • “Unsavory”

  • “How does (or will) AI impact this decision?” // When AI reaches the office or the CFO. // If your CFO asked this, how would you even answer it? Would a CFO know how to interpret, verify, and trust the answer? // Maybe the right answer is “who knows. Have you actually used those things? How about we put ‘fuck around and find out’ on the ledger for this quarter?”

  • There’s no fucking around, just finding out.

  • “Why Not Give Robots Foot-Eyes?” Here.

  • “It just wasn’t their world anymore. So they had to leave.” Hilda, s1e2.

  • “There’s that well observed effect where you have better conversations if you’re not looking each other in the eye. Driving. Walking. Walking meetings. Watching telly on the sofa.” Russell Davies.

  • And: “they still have a selection of newspapers you can read. That means something, they’re not going to hurry you out if they’ve offering you a newspaper.” Ibid.

  • “How are you today?” “Legally prohibited from complaining due to a non-disparagement clause, you?” Via.

  • “The problem is the darker side of the word, when we use it to express ‘merely.’” Here.

  • “A turd for your argument” Here.

The worse, most accurate answer you’ll ever get. At DevOpsDays Amsterdam, 2024.

Relative to your interests


Someone finally figured out why procrastination is therapeutic:

Sasha Czarkowski (Rosenbaum), DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2024.

New idea for a conference talk: “How platform engineering stole all your sponsorship money.” It’d kill as a lighting/ignite/whatever talk on the DevOpsDays circuit.

It’s July!,, @cote,,