Not much today.
“Among outfits, the best performers have been those linked to clowns, which increased by 43% year over year.”
Somewhere, there's a financial analyst who really cares about the increase in clown costumes this Halloween.
“So I quit my job as an engineer at Memorex’s disk drive plant in Santa Clara, California, and we flew to Kuala Lumpur. We found an un-air conditioned hotel room for $10 a night above a brothel with genial trans prostitutes and ate $1 meals served on banana leaves from the nearby restaurants. After a few weeks, we decided to get out of the sweltering heat and check out Singapore. It was just as sweltering there. After three more weeks, we’d had enough and no longer had an urge to go to Indonesia.” Here.
“Consumers make choices for many reasons: price, convenience and marketing. Maybe politics. The other day I went to my local Walgreens to buy toothpaste and ultimately chose not my favorite brand but the only one that wasn’t under lock and key. I didn’t want to wait for an employee to liberate the Colgate, so Crest it was. Needless to say, I did not use Google to find out which brand was more committed to bodily autonomy. What can I say? I was in a hurry.” Here.
Can you trust ‘open source’ companies? - ’There’s nothing wrong with making money. But, I’ve gotten really tired of projects that use open source for their start and then turn their backs on the philosophy that made them their first hundreds of millions. At the very least, they need to stop pretending they’re open source once they’ve moved to a “Look but don’t touch” or “Look but don’t profit from it” license.'
Measuring developer productivity? A response to McKinsey - Measure outcomes, not efforts.
Talks I’ll be giving, places I’ll be, things I’ll be doing, etc.
As mentioned yesterday, I’ll in Des Moines next week to speak at DevOpsDays Des Moines. They were kind enough to invite me to give a keynote, which I’m looking forward to.
If you want to go, registrations closes today, I believe, so get those tickets now.
More upcoming:
Sep 6th O’Reilly Infrastructure & Ops Superstream: Kubernetes, online, speaking. Sep 6th to 7th DevOpsDays Des Moines, speaking. Sep 13th, stackconf, Berlin. Sep 14th to 15th SREday, London, speaking (get 50% of registration with the code 50-SRE-DAY) Sep 18th to 19th SHIFT in Zadar, speaking. Oct 3rd Enterprise DevOps Techron, Utrecht, speaking. Nov 6th to 9th VMware Explore in Barcelona, speaking.
I’ve been working on my slides for the above DevOpsDays talk. Here’s a picture I made for a slide. It’s transparent! So far, I’m doing a combo of two types of DevOpsDays talks: “vulnerable autobiography” and “list of good ideas.” I have’t gotten to the second, but I think the first is OK.