

The Definition Of “More From Less” In B2B Content Strategy And Operations - The best tip here to focus a lot on recycling what you have already. I agree: there’s always a lot of assets and not near enough promotion and reuse/remixing of them. // “When asked about their perception of the content that they receive from vendors who market to them, 61% of business buyers say that vendors give them too much content, and 63% say that what they get is more focused on style than substance. And here’s the kicker: 69% — close to three-quarters — say that if the content from vendors that they currently do business with isn’t valuable or helpful, they’re not likely to expand contracts. On top of this, businesses know that they’re pumping out content that doesn’t meet the mark: 61% say that one-quarter to three-quarters of their content goes to waste — that it isn’t used as intended.",, @cote,,