
Coté's resume, cv, work experience.

Below is my resume as of June, 2024. Here is a PDF of it. There’s a more detail and links on my about page and also in LinkedIn.

Michael Coté


Hello! I’m Coté. I’ve been lucky to spend my time studying how large organizations change how they build and run software better run and grow their business. I do extensive “thought leadership,” sales support, and general marketing activities including “content,” focused on the interests of the companies I work at. I’ve published three books and several whitepapers on this topic, numerous videos and podcasts, and speak frequently at conferences. I’ve been an industry analyst at RedMonk and managed the infrastructure and programming team at 451 Research. I worked in corporate strategy and M&A at Dell, and was a programmer at several tech companies many years ago. Since the early days of the internet, I’ve created content in many mediums. I’m well known for my podcasts, newsletters, videos, blogs and articles, and co-host the long running Software Defined Talk podcast. See for more details and links. I travel frequently for work. I live in Amsterdam, and am American citizen, rather, a Texan :)

Pivotal Software/VMware Tanzu (2015 to present)

Senior Member of Technical Staff/Director of Marketing

During my time at Pivotal Software (IPO in 2018, acquired by VMware in 2019), I’ve been on the developer advocate team focusing on “executive advocacy.” This means I talk and work with executives at (mostly) large organizations who are changing how their organization builds and runs software. I then share those experiences and case studies with the overall community. Internally, I use these experiences to help with strategy, marketing, and sales. Beyond conversations, the work products are things like: 10 to 15 executive events each year, usually small dinners with customers and prospects; books, whitepapers, and articles; podcasts, videos, and webinars; and giving conference talks 15 to 20 times a year. I travel frequently for these activities. Additionally, I speak with media and analysts, work on our annual conference, collaborate with peers on content and strategy, and work with customers on various projects.

451 Research (2013 to 2015)

Research Director, Infrastructure Software

I was head of the infrastructure software team, managing 3 analysts and overseeing four practice areas: Development, DevOps, and Middleware, and Platforms. I published about 50 to 60 reports and larger studies. I also worked on consulting projects and spoke at conferences.

Dell (2011 to 2013)

Director of Software and Cloud Strategy

I worked with the executive leadership team on M&A and strategy to create the Dell Software Group (primarily resulting in acquiring Quest Software). I did the same for public cloud strategy, managing a team of three strategists while working as the head of strategy for the Dell public cloud. Also, I was on the internal incubation board and sponsored Project Sputnik, Dell’s developer-focused, Linux laptop, still in production today.

RedMonk (2006 to 2011)

Industry Analyst, IT Management practice lead

I primarily covered software, specializing in open source, IT management, cloud computing, Web 2.0, software development, the web, early cloud, and social/collaborative software. In addition to publishing, I worked with our mostly vendor clients on strategy, marketing, and community management. Additionally, I did a tremendous amount of “punditry,” videos, podcasts, and other coverage of the tech work, talking regularly with press, leading our video and podcast production. I traveled extensively to meet with clients, have briefings, and speak at conferences.

Technobabble 2.0 ranked me #8 in its “Top 100 analyst blogs” I was also named the 3rd most regarded analyst in the U.S. and 5th globally by the Institute of Industry Analyst Relations.

Various Programming Jobs (1995 to 2006)

I was part of the founding team programmer of one of the first online banking startups (FundXpress, acquired by First Data/Fiserv in 2007), BMC Software, and several startups. During this time I wrote the book JAAS in Action, started one of the first tech podcasts, and published tech commentary regularly on my blog.

Selection of Projects

Over the years I’ve had several side-projects: three books with O’Reilly and a course on working in large companies; a DevOps and Agile column at The Register; a column at Fierce DevOps; occasional articles on The New Stack; several podcasts, including the long running (2014 to present) podcast Software Defined Talk. I’ve also published a tech-focused newsletter a few times a week, mostly, since 2014. Please see for a list of more projects, publications, conference talks, etc.


I graduated in 2000 from the University of Texas, Austin, with a degree in Philosophy.,, @cote,,