
The Cult of the Founders - Operating a large tech company is a different set of skills than marketing a small company.

“The Dead Silence of Goods”: Annie Ernaux and the Superstore - The culture of big box stores as seen through French eyes.

ICYMI: Instagram’s New App Could Be Here By June - Adding a microblog to Instagram?! // “You can post text updates up to 500 characters (that’s less than an Instagram caption, an extended tweet or a LinkedIn post so be concise!)"

- Innovator’s Dilemma dynamics - “while a $40 million company needs to find just $8 million in revenues to grow at 20 percent in the subsequent year, a $4 billion company needs to find $800 million in new sales. No new markets are that large. As a consequence, the larger and more successful an organization becomes, the weaker the argument that emerging markets can remain useful engines for growth…. Not only are the market applications for disruptive technologies unknown at the time of their development, they are unknowable. The strategies and plans that managers formulate for confronting disruptive technological change, therefore, should be plans for learning and discovery rather than plans for execution."

Adding A Product-Led Growth Strategy To A Traditional B2B Organization - Among other things: don’t forget they your sales model is going to drive your product management, eventually.

Josh Long at Devoxx UK: Showcasing Bootiful Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 - “In his humoristic seriosity, Long mentioned that as he feels the compilation was taking too long he decided to ask for either elevator music or at least a notification, like the toasters, to alert him when the compilation is done.” Sounds about right.

The 90s Obsession With Transparent Technology - Clearly a good read.

Gartner Says Four Trends are Shaping the Future of Cloud, Data Center and Edge Infrastructure - Some predictions about how organizations will do public cloud stuff, if you’re into Gartner predictions. Here is one on migrating apps to public cloud: ‘The focus of refactoring cloud infrastructure should be on optimizing costs by eliminating redundant, overbuilt or unused cloud infrastructure; building business resilience rather than service-level redundancy; using cloud infrastructure as a way to mitigate supply chain disruptions; and modernizing infrastructure. According to Gartner, 65% of application workloads will be optimal or ready for cloud delivery by 2027, up from 45% in 2022.’ // I don’t have access to the PDF, so I’m assuming this means that ~50% of workloads are not “read for cloud delivery” right now in 2023. Meaning…they run on traditional, on-premises VMs, bare metal, or mainframes. // As I did just there, I mostly use these predictions to get an estimate of the current state of things. Who know how things will be in 2027, but the analysis put into the more contemporary estimate is more usable.

MariaDB walks tightrope between commerce and open source - “It recorded a 26 percent year-over-year increase in revenue to reach $13.5 million, although it was still making a net loss of $11.9 million, partly owing to the cost of going public."

AI Act: a step closer to the first rules on Artificial Intelligence - “AI systems with an unacceptable level of risk to people’s safety would be strictly prohibited, including systems that deploy subliminal or purposefully manipulative techniques, exploit people’s vulnerabilities or are used for social scoring (classifying people based on their social behaviour, socio-economic status, personal characteristics).” Also summarizing copyrighted material, it seems.,, @cote,,