
28 Questions to Ask Your Boss in Your One-on-Ones - Good things to talk about in your meetings if you can’t think of anything else.

A modern-era lift and shift: Danske Bank seeks massive cost-to-income ratio improvement with the help of Infosys - As ever with outsourcing: hire cheaper labor under less restrictive labor laws…?

It’s time for the Kubernetes value line - “There’s a reason the saying ‘culture eats tech for breakfast’ has become a favorite in today’s IT lexicon. What this pithy saying doesn’t get into is that technology can change behavior over time."

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide Banking and Investment Services IT Spending to Reach $652 Billion in 2023 - Banks spending more money on IT. They’re planning to spend on: “cybersecurity, data and analytics, integration technologies and cloud.” // And, keep moving to (public?) cloud: “More than half plan to increase investments in cloud, while reducing IT spending in their own data centers. This is reflected by slower growth in data center systems spending from 13.2% in 2022 to 5.7% in 2023.” // ‘Worldwide banking and investment services IT spending is forecast to total $652.1 billion in 2023, an increase of 8.1% from 2022, according to Gartner, Inc. Spending on software will see the largest growth with an increase of 13.5% in 2023…. “Current economic headwinds have changed the context for technology investments in banking and investment services this year,” said Debbie Buckland, Director Analyst at Gartner. “Rather than cutting IT budgets, organizations are spending more on the types of technologies that generate significantly higher business outcomes. Spending on software, for example, is shifting away from building it in-house, in favor of buying solutions that generate value from investments more rapidly.”'

Why did the #TwitterMigration fail? – Café Lob-On - Difficulty crossing the chasm. But, come on: it’s been less than a year.

All those naked Greeks… - I think the conclusion is status, power, beauty, and sex.

Bluesky Has Problems - Me: there aren’t enough people and, thus, communities yet. Also: federation isn’t really anything people care about, and, thus, not a feature worth spending time on.

Rest for the restless - “Maybe it’s my low tolerance for boredom. I can’t help but do something, anything. If only I could embrace boredom, and just let myself be. I can do a seated meditation for 10 minutes with no big issue of fidgeting, just focusing on my breath. But that’s still doing something? Reigning in the monkey mind, trying to keep a straight spine. Not quite what I imagine a relaxed state to be."

Celebrity photographer Chris Floyd shares six pieces of career advice everyone can learn from - “I think that anything generic is fucked now. Anything where a client thinks: ‘We need a picture of a woman who is eating a salad’, say, or ‘laughing with a laptop’. If it’s not a specific person, it’s just a representation of an idea; they can just do that now in AI."

Gartner’s Enterprise Value Equation for Business Value of Platform Engineering - Metrics and attributes to use to measure platform effectiveness.,, @cote,,