
As ChatGPT goes Enterprise, here are Ten GenAI Reality Checks you need to take… - A long list of practice advice for planning out AI use in the enterprise.

Google’s $30-per-month “Duet” AI will craft awkward emails, images for you - All about Google’s enterprise AI announcement. For me, Google Apps/G Suite/(whatever) is hands down the best all in one collab thing - Office 365 is so weird between desktop apps and web apps that I still can’t get my mind wrapped around it. Collaborative editing in desktop Word is so weird, and their sharing dialogs are awful. Plus, GMail is so good.

Halloween creeps a little closer: Seasonal supply chains accelerate - “Among outfits, the best performers have been those linked to clowns, which increased by 43% year over year” // Somewhere, there’s a financial analyst who really cares about the increase in clown costumes this Halloween.

ChatGPT finds a role playing Dungeons & Dragons - This is what spurred me to start using ChatGPT as a ChatDM. I’ve yet to ask it questions like “describe drinking games that the satyrs are taking part in that are so dangerous someone could get hurt doing them” or “why would a Displacer Beast Kitten leave the safety of its den if it believes an intruder is nearby?” One interesting point that’s worth raising into the bigger AI/LLM discussion. “Hallucinations” can be bad if you want real, truth (in which cases, they’re “lies” from the wide meaning of that word). But, when you’re creating and story telling, “making things up” is the whole game. Thus, ChatGPT’s downside of making things up becomes an advantage when you’re trying to be creative.

Why We Glorify Overwork and Refuse to Rest - One of the better explanations of what’s probably wrong with me: “It’s the most reliable way to feel a sense of his own worthiness — and to avoid difficult emotions.”

The new spreadsheet? OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Enterprise for businesses - Can handle longer conversations, encryption, by default doesn’t share your stuff with the training AI, and SOC2 accounting controls. Also, of course, an admin panel.

Europe’s new rules for Big Tech start today. Are they ready? - “Under the DSA digital service providers - including hosting services, online platforms, VLOPs and even intermediary service providers like ISPs - have obligations to ensure that products sold are safe and not counterfeit, and to eliminate advertising that targets minors or is served using sensitive data. Another requirement is to get rid of dark patterns in advertising. Clarity on how orgs moderate content and a requirement to present their algorithms for scrutiny is also required.” And larger services that reach 45m+ EU people have more, they “have to share data with ‘vetted’ researchers and governments, allow users to opt out of profiling recommendations, submit to regular audits, and have risk management and a crisis response plans in place."

US judge: Art created solely by artificial intelligence cannot be copyrighted - This is going to be weird for a few years, at least.

Generative AI dominates VMware Explore news - AI uses in the VMware stack.

Developers Are the Future Of VMware (Part 2): Multi-Cloud and AI | by Torsten Volk - Good examples and thinking on using LLM AI in systems management stuff, in this case with VMware Tanzu and Aria.,, @cote,,