
How To Measure Platform Engineering - Suggested metrics: “Market share. Onboarding time. Net Promoter Score (NPS). Key customer metrics."

Accountability Sinks - ’“accountability sink”: a situation in which a human system delegates decision-making to a rule book rather than an identifiable individual. If something goes wrong, no one is held to account.’

That’s a good phrase to point out something people seem blind to. Humans set policies, humans can decide to un-set policies.

It’s a version of “it’s just business,” which people who have/use that sentiment forget is a catch-phrase for mafia movies when they kill people.

Join the public beta for GenAI on Tanzu Platform today! - Get your own private AI in a box sandbox going on.

Why Supercloud Architectures Could Upend Cloud Computing – Or Not | IDC Blog - ”IDC’s March 2024 Cloud Pulse Survey (n = 1,350) shows that 74% of cloud buyers have multicloud strategies. It’s no longer a big deal to use multiple clouds.”

DevOps Isn’t Dead, but It’s Not in Great Health Either - Round-up of surveys showing that the benefits of DevOps are flattening/slowing. Perhaps it’s not dead, it’s just had the final victory. That is: it’s much better than 15, even 10 years ago.

A Eulogy for DevOps - “Feels like somehow Developers got stuck with a lot more work and Operation teams now need to learn 600 technologies a week. Surprisingly tech executives didn’t get any additional work with this system. I’m sure the next reorg they’ll chip in more."

Kubernetes Security Report: Evolving Landscape of DevSecOps - Red Hat Kubernetes surveys results, here, looking at the security part. The theory is: there’s too many different parties working on security, causing “confusion and delay."

Gartner Survey Shows 66% of Finance Leaders Think Generative AI Will Have Most Immediate Impact on Explaining Forecast and Budget Variances - What’s also remarkable is how low they rate other use cases. I’m a bit confounded about reports that consulting firms are getting billions in sales in AI stuff.

Don’t be results-oriented - Make sure your factory is functioning well.

Enterprise hits and misses - gen AI spending meets ROI pressure, AI readiness is a thing, and AR/VR has a vision problem - “Enterprise hypothesis: AI can’t fix what ails you (e.g. legacy landscape and ‘messy’ data bottlenecks), but applied properly, it can accelerate what you do well.",, @cote,,