
AI or bust? Only one part of US tech economy growing - “Assuming the bubble does not burst, S&P forecasts global AI spending to grow by more than 20 percent through 2028, when it is estimated to account for 14 percent of total global IT spending, up from 6 percent in 2023."

How We Migrated onto K8s in Less Than 12 months - Always hide the yaml: “Having users define services directly in YAML can be confusing. Instead, we worked to define a golden path for users and allow customization for special cases. By being explicit about what users can and should customize—and otherwise enforcing consistency by default—you’ll save users time and energy while also simplifying maintenance and future changes."

How to go-to-market: Measuring Marketing Value - “The key areas that your marketing team can drive impact for the business are in Awareness, Engagement, and Pipeline."

Who uses LLM prompt injection attacks? Job seekers, trolls - ‘“At present,” Kaspersky concludes, “this threat is largely theoretical due to the limited capabilities of existing LLM systems."'

Spring Boot 3.3 Boosts Performance, Security, and Observability - All these years later, Spring is still in wide use and still evolving.

Gartner Predicts 30% of Generative AI Projects Will Be Abandoned After Proof of Concept By End of 2025 - ”At least 30% of generative AI (GenAI) projects will be abandoned after proof of concept by the end of 2025, due to poor data quality, inadequate risk controls, escalating costs or unclear business value, according to Gartner, Inc. ” // Also a chart with rough estimates for initial and ongoing costs: input for an ROI model.

Where Facebook’s AI Slop Comes From - So cyberpunk! // ”the YouTuber who was scrolling through images of rotting old people with bugs on them.”

Nike: An Epic Saga of Value Destruction - The troubles of shifting to a direct, Internet-based go-to-market. And, also, of focusing only on growing revenue from existing customers instead of also getting new customers: ‘Obviously, the former CMO had decided to ignore “How Brands Grow” by Byron Sharp, Professor of Marketing Science, Director of the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, University of South Australia. Otherwise, he would have known that: 1) if you focus on existing consumers, you won’t grow. Eventually, your business will shrink (as it is “surprisingly” happening right now). 2) Loyalty is not a growth driver. 3) Loyalty is a function of penetration. If you grow market penetration and market share, you grow loyalty (and usually revenues). 4) If you try to grow only loyalty (and LTV) of existing consumers (spending an enormous amount of money and time to get something that is very difficult and expensive to achieve), you don’t grow penetration and market share (and therefore revenues). As simple as that… ‘

Teaching to the Test. Why It Security Audits Aren’t Making Stuff Safer - Bullshit Work in enterprise security. // Plus, why not start with basics before going advanced: ‘The world would be better off if organizations stopped wasting so much time and money on these vendor solutions and instead stuck to much more basic solutions. Perhaps if we could just start with “have we patched all the critical CVEs in our organization” and “did we remove the shared username and password from the cloud database with millions of call records”, then perhaps AFTER all the actual work is done we can have some fun and inject dangerous software into the most critical parts of our employees devices.'

The Six Five: Advancing DevOps: Infrastructure as Code, Platform Engineering and Gen AI - “we see in our latest research that 24% of organizations are looking to release code on an hourly basis, yet only 8% are able to do so.",, @cote,,